There are various ways to grip a golf club correctly, each proven successful by top players throughout history. Golf offers numerous techniques for gripping and swinging.

A proper grip is our only connection to the club, crucial for how our swing functions and the matchups we create.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned golfer, this blog provides a clear roadmap for gripping your wedges, irons, fairway woods, and driver. The following method is one I use with my students to teach them how to grip a golf club properly and like an athlete!

How To Grip A Golf Club Properly?

1. Start with Your Lead Hand

Pointing both Vs. at your trail shoulder assumes we all move the same way, but we don’t. Each player has their own “natural motion.” A good grip enhances it, while a poor one restricts it. 

Begin by placing your lead hand on the handle naturally. Stand upright with your arms hanging freely at your sides. No ball, no golf posture. Now, grip a club. This is your natural lead-hand position to start and finish your swing without manipulation.

Start with Your Lead Hand

2. Fine-Tune Your Grip

This exercise gets you close to your ideal lead-hand hold but might need adjustments. Ensure your lead-hand grip matches your lead-hip mobility. When synced, it’s magic. 

Place your trail hand on the handle, hold the club in your address posture, and move into a “dynamic impact” position. Your weight should be on your front side, hands forward, and hips as open as possible. Check your results.

3. Add Your Trail Hand

Using your new lead-hand position, hold the club out in front of you at a 45-degree angle. Slip on your trail hand, placing the grip through the base of your fingers, not your palm. Hold the handle like a suitcase for the best control.

Add Your Trail Hand

4. Do the Cast Drill

With both hands on the handle, move the club over your trail shoulder, then throw it forward like casting a fishing line. This drill replicates trail-arm extension in downswings. Ensure your trail-hand grip accommodates this extension.

5. Tweak and Finalize

Adjust your trail hand hold to match how your trail arm extends during your downswing. Once you cast the club in the drill, check the clubface position and make the necessary adjustments. Your Vs might not point to your trail shoulder, which is fine. Ensure no gaps between your fingers for maximum control. Now, your grip is perfect. Let it rip!

Tweak and Finalize

Types of Golf Grips: Finding Your Fit

There are several ways to grip a golf club properly beyond my outlined method. Let’s explore these various styles.

1. Interlocking Grip

Legends like Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods use the interlocking grip. Here, the pinky finger of the right-hand crosses between the pointer and middle fingers of the left hand, creating an interlock. 

The key is to keep the fingers resting softly, without forcing them together, to avoid blisters and maintain swing speed.

Interlocking Grip

2. Overlapping Grip (Vardon Grip)

In the overlapping grip, the right-hand pinky finger rests on the notch between the left pointer and middle fingers. This grip, favored by six-time Open Champion Harry Vardon, should feel soft and not forcibly wedged in place.

3. Ten-Finger Grip

The ten-finger grip, also known as the baseball grip, is less common among elite golfers but great for beginners. The hands meet at the right pinky and left pointer fingers, with the left thumb under the right palm, ensuring a better connection between hands.

4. Neutral Grip

A neutral grip has the creases between the thumbs and pointer fingers (the V’s) pointing toward your right eye. Players like Tiger Woods and Adam Scott use this classic hand positioning.

Neutral Grip

5.Weak Grip

A weak grip aligns the left hand more to the left, with the glove logo pointing at the target. This grip, used by Ben Hogan and Jordan Spieth, requires bowing the left wrist at impact but can be effective depending on one’s anatomy.

6. Strong Grip

A strong grip aligns the hands and wrists in a powerful position, with the V aiming towards the right ear and shoulder. Players like Dustin Johnson and Fred Couples employ this grip. I often recommend my students use a grip between neutral and strong for optimal power and control.

The Key Indicator That Your Golf Club Grip is Wrong

The Key Indicator That Your Golf Club Grip is Wrong

When a new student steps onto my lesson tee, I first notice the condition of their golf glove—precisely, whether there are worn areas or holes around the thumb or pad. If I spot these signs, I ask how long they’ve used the glove.

If they mention it’s only been a few rounds, it’s clear they’re gripping the club in their palm. Correcting their grip becomes my priority; this fundamental can only improve once addressed.

Now, take a look at your glove. Do you see wear around the thumb or pad?

If so, chances are you’re gripping the club with your palm. Here’s what you can do to make the necessary adjustments.

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Mastering the correct golf grip is foundational to improving your game. Holding the club in your fingers rather than your palm enhances wrist mobility and control, leading to better contact, increased distance, and reduced slice. A slightly firmer grip helps position your wrists dynamically, minimizing injury and stabilizing the clubface throughout the swing.

Remember, the perfect grip isn’t just about comfort—it’s about optimizing your swing mechanics for consistent, powerful shots. Take the time to practice and adjust your grip using the guidelines provided.

Learning how to grip a golf club properly sets the stage for a more effective and enjoyable golf game. With the proper grip, you’ll be on your way to swinging like an athlete and playing your best golf.

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