Exploring the nuances of gripping a putter is essential in mastering the art of golf. Achieving the perfect grip enhances control and accuracy and instills confidence in the green. 

Finding the right fit is paramount to understanding how to grip a putter, whether navigating the conventional right-hand-below-left grip or experimenting with innovative techniques like the claw or wristlock grip. 

As we’ve seen, each grip style offers its benefits and challenges, catering to different preferences and playing styles. 

By delving into gripping a putter and embracing the diverse options available, golfers can unlock new levels of performance and consistency in their putting game. 

So, next time you step onto the green, take a moment to refine your grip and watch as your putting skills soar to new heights.

How to Grip a Putter?

1. Traditional Putting Grip

Traditional Putting Grip

Before delving into green strategies or experimenting with top-notch putting tips, prioritize honing your grip technique.

The conventional right-hand-below-left grip reigns as the most prevalent method, embraced by countless golfers, including legends like Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy, whose triumphs attest to its efficacy. Like our iron grip, this grip feels instinctive for holding a putter.

Unlike the finger-focused grasp of an iron shot, the putter is cradled in the palms, with hands oriented skyward, fostering a hands-free pendulum motion. Instead of interlocking fingers beneath, adopt a reverse overlap stance.

Position the index finger of your upper hand atop the bottom fingers’ cuticles. Though it may initially feel less secure, this encourages a rocking motion, eliminating wrist involvement from the stroke.

2. Claw Putting Grip (Saw Putting Grip)

Claw Putting Grip

The claw grip, though unconventional, boasts remarkable effectiveness in the hands of adept practitioners. 

Begin by positioning your left hand conventionally atop the grip while your right hand cradles the putter grip between thumb and forefinger, with the palm facing inward. While visually distinctive, this grip offers a potent remedy for the yips despite its unconventional appearance. 

Finding comfort in placing your lower hand on the club may require some adjustment time, but the benefits make it a worthy endeavor.

3. Left-Hand-Low Putting Grip (Cross-Handed)

Left-Hand-Low Putting Grip

Adopting the left-hand-low style might offer a transformative solution for those grappling with the conventional grip’s challenges. This technique effectively integrates your hands and arms, promoting a more solid and consistent putting stroke. It reverses the traditional grip, positioning the left hand beneath the right.

Renowned PGA Tour putter Jordan Spieth, a Major Champion, swears by this grip’s efficacy. Its primary advantage is minimizing unwanted hand movements during the stroke—a crucial remedy for the yips, particularly beneficial on shorter putts.

4. Exploring the Pencil Grip

 Exploring the Pencil Grip

The pencil grip revolutionizes the function of the lower hand, mimicking the grasp of a pencil. This approach imbues a sensation of lighter grip pressure in the right hand, directing the palm toward the target. The objective remains consistent: to prevent right-hand dominance. By bypassing the involvement of small-twitch muscles, this grip leverages the power of larger core muscles for stroke control.

Moreover, it fosters greater integration of the right side with the torso, with the right elbow snugly tucked against the body. This alignment encourages a more uniform stroke, enhancing consistency in putting performance.

5. Introducing the Saw Grip

Introducing the Saw Grip

The saw grip derives its name from its resemblance to gripping and using a saw. In this technique, the right hand is positioned atop the grip, fingers pointing toward the target, while the grip rests within the V-shaped space between the right thumb and forefinger.

Diverging from the pencil grip, this stance draws the right elbow away from the body, which may not align with preferences for a greater torso connection. However, it presents an appealing choice for those seeking a sense of alignment over the ball at address, favoring a more linear pendulum motion with a reduced arc.

6. Exploring the Armlock

Exploring the Armlock

The armlock grip emerges as a viable option for those wielding longer-than-standard putters, a technique popularized by golf luminaries like Matt Kuchar and Bryson DeChambeau.

Securing the putter against your forearm induces a sensation akin to bowing out the left wrist, ensuring steadfast stability through impact. Kuchar and DeChambeau have historically favored a fairly conventional right-below-left, right-hand grip.

However, this grip style typically diminishes the putter loft, necessitating adjustments such as positioning the ball farther forward in your stance or tweaking the putter’s loft settings. It may appeal to players prioritizing mechanical precision over tactile feedback in their quest for more successful putts.

7. Exploring Oversize Putter Grips

Exploring Oversize Putter Grips

In contemporary golfing circles, oversize putter grips of varying dimensions have gained widespread acceptance. While some may find compatibility with the previously mentioned putting grips, the thickest grips align seamlessly with the two-thumb grip technique, exemplified by companies like TwoThumb.

These robust grips boast widths substantial enough for both hands to rest side by side at equal elevation. Thumbs nestle together along the front of the grip while forefingers extend down either side.

This grip facilitates level shoulders and enables a fluid pendulum motion on the backswing and follow-through. While advantageous on quicker greens, it may present challenges when mastering long-range putts on slower greens.

If conventional putting grips fail to yield the desired results, why explore these alternative options to rejuvenate your performance?


In conclusion, mastering the art of gripping a putter is a nuanced yet essential aspect of refining one’s golfing prowess. How to grip a putter involves understanding various techniques, from the conventional styles to more specialized grips like the wristlock. The significance of finding the right fit for individual preferences and playing styles becomes evident in this process.

Whether seeking to mitigate hand tension, combat the “yips,” or enhance overall putting consistency, the diversity of grip options offers golfers a pathway to optimized performance on the green.

Furthermore, the evolution of putting grips, coupled with innovations like SuperStroke putter grips tailored to suit diverse preferences, underscores the adaptability and continual quest for improvement within the golfing community. By embracing experimentation and honing in on the grip style that best aligns with one’s needs, golfers can unlock newfound confidence and precision in their putting game.

Gripping a putter transcends mere technique—it embodies the fusion of physical and mental elements essential for success in this intricate facet of the sport. As golfers venture forth on their journey to mastery, may they approach the art of gripping a putter with curiosity, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to continual improvement.

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